Teacher Education Council

Membership: The Dean of Education and Health, who serves as chairperson, the head of the Department of Teaching and Education Leadership, who serves as vice chairperson; and the Director of Teacher Education Student Support Services who serves as secretary. Three (3) faculty representatives from the College of Education and Health and one (1) faculty representative from each of the College of Arts and Humanities, Business and Economic Development, and STEM; a public school administrator; three (3) K-12 teachers; one (1) undergraduate student; and one (1) graduate student. Members will be appointed annually by the Vice President of Academic Affairs in consultation with the Dean of Education and Health. The Dean of Graduate College, the Director of Teacher Licensure & Student Support Services, and the Accreditation Coordinator serve as ex-officio members. *Updated to reflect academic college restructure effective July 1, 2022.

Function: Serve as an advisory body to the Dean of Education; review and recommend changes in the teacher education programs; approve course additions and deletions; study and recommend changes related to policies and admission standards.

For membership, click here then open the current Standing Committees Membership document.

Agendas and Minutes