Athletic Travel

State-supported institutions of higher education may provide travel expenses for groups when those who instruct the students in fundamentals of a competitive sport and direct team strategy accompany them. 

  1. Plan ahead!  Notify Travel  weeks in advance to ensure that your Tcard is approved for team meals. Travel must request this permission from AR Department of Finance Office of Accounting. Remember: Tips are limited to 15% on meals unless automatically added by the restaurant. 
  2. Request permission for any rental vehicles from One blanket permission may be used per team per season.
  3. Contact your administrative support as soon as the schedules are posted for your sport to plan requisition entry and TCard limit needs. 
  4. Secure purchase orders for each of your required trips. 
  5. Fuel the rental vehicle using your assinged WEX card. WEX cards may ONLY be used to fuel rental vehicles, never personal vehicles. 
  6. Complete your travel. 
  7. Pay attention to the monthly Tcard statement notice emails. You will receive an email notification around the 16th of each month reminding you that Tcard statements are available and logs are due. 
  8. Acces your TCard statement via Gobal Card Access.
  9. Complete TCard logs per these instructions
  10. Email the Excel log to with your Last Name, Month, and TCard Log as the subject of the email. 
  11. Submit signed TCard log with all required receipts, Non-State Form, team roster, justification of any purchases such as laundry detergent for team jerseys, and signed purchase orders to administrative support for Atheltic Director's signature and submission to Travel Services. 
  12. Complete and submit a WEX fuel card log and submit with receipts to Travel Services. 
  13. Repeat steps 5-12 for each subsequent trip. 
  1. Plan ahead!  Notify Travel  weeks in advance to ensure that your Tcard is approved for team meals. Travel must request this permission from AR Department of Finance Office of Accounting. Remember: Tips are limited to 15% on meals unless automatically added by the restaurant. 
  2. Request permission for any rental vehicles from One blanket permission may be used per coach per recruiting season.
  3. Secure purchase orders for each of your required trips. 
  4. Complete your travel. 
  5. Fuel the rental vehicle using your assinged WEX card. WEX cards may ONLY be used to fuel rental vehicles, never personal vehicles. 
  6. Pay attention to the monthly Tcard statement notice emails. You will receive an email notification around the 16th of each month reminding you that Tcard statements are available and logs are due. 
  7. Complete TCard logs per these instructions
  8. Email the Excel log to with your Last Name, Month, and TCard Log as the subject of the email. 
  9. Submit signed TCard log with all required receipts and signed purchase orders to administrative support for Atheltic Director's signature and submission to Travel Services. 
  10. Complete and submit a WEX fuel card log and submit with receipts to Travel Services. 
  11. Repeat steps 5-10 for each subsequent trip. 


Tcard Log Instructions and Checklists

Driver Authorization Form-Must be completed by each staff member prior to driving on ATU business. Either driving a rental or claiming mileage reimbursement.  

TCard Log 

WEX Cards-WEX cards may be used to purchase fuel for rental vehicles only. Funds are not encumbered prior to purchase but will charge to your budget once monthly upon reconciliation. 

Vehicle Rental Instructions

Index Code List