You will need to get a post office box from the University Post Office. The post office is located in the Young Building across the street from Chambers Cafeteria. If you have packages being delivered from UPS or Federal Express you may have them sent to:
Your Name
Box # Tech Ln.
Russellville, AR 72801
There are a limited number of private rooms in Hughes Hall, M Street, Nutt Hall, Tucker Hall and Wilson Hall.
RA stands for Resident Assistant. An RA is a student that lives in a university residential facility and acts as a resource for the students on their floor or in their area of the building. RAs play a key role in creating an environment for students that is conducive to academic, personal and social growth.
Each year the residence hall staffs provide their residents with over 300 academic and social programs which include anything from pizza parties, concerts, and dances to self-defense classes, alcohol and drug awareness sessions and chemistry tutoring. Your $25.00 (each term) activity fee helps to fund all of these programs.
It depends on what your tastes are. We encourage you to check out each hall's individual web page to find out more about our halls.
Visitation hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 24 hours from 9:00 a.m. on Friday until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday. Each resident is responsible for his/her guest/visitor and should escort the guest/visitor at all times while in the residence hall or apartment, including while entering or exiting the building. This applies to same sex and opposite sex guests/visitors. Same sex guests who live in the same building as their host or hostess are allowed visitation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week provided there is no cohabitation.
Initial preference is given to students who have earned 30 credit hours of college work and a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
First, talk with your roommate about whatever it is that is bothering you. 99% of the time, problems can be worked out simply by talking about them. If that doesn't work, speak with your RA, they will sit down with both of you to facilitate communication, and they will have you fill out a roommate agreement. Once you have attempted to live under a roommate agreement for at least one week, if the problems have not been resolved, you may speak with the Resident Director about a room/hall change.
Room changes are not permitted until September. There is a cost of $25 fpr the 1st move, $50 for the 2nd move, $100 for the 3rd move, and $150 for the 4th move. Talk to your RA first to discuss any roommate issues. The RA will inform you on the process to change rooms after any roommate conflict is addressed.
You will know who your roommate is when you select your room assignment on the housing portal. In June, we will send you important information regarding your housing assignment. You are encouraged to check room assignment and roommate information on the housing portal.
Yes, if you live in the residence halls, you are required to have a meal plan. However, those students who live in the University Commons Apartments are not required to have a meal plan.
DCB stands for declining cash balance. This is tax-free money tied to a meal plan. DCB allows the student a variety of options and is used just like cash at any of the Chartwells locations. DCB money rolls from Fall semester to Spring semester. However, the student must purchase a Spring meal plan.
Wonderbucks can be added to your Tech ID through the Student Accounts Office. Wonderbucks are funds added to your student account that can be used at any of the Chartwells locations; Chambers Cafeteria, Baswell Technionery, and the convenience store located in Doc Bryan. Wonderbucks can also be used at athletic event concessions, and at the library for printing. Wonderbucks can be reloaded at any time in person at Office of Student Accounts or on their website, for your convenience.
Every semester Student Accounts offer an online payment plan that is available through your OneTech portal (Student Tab, My Account box, Setup a payment plan). You can also pay your account in full via OneTech (Student Tab, My Account box, Pay your account in full). Other options include coming in and paying the full balance with cash, check, or debit/credit card, or calling and paying with a debit/credit card over the phone. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover cards.
The contract that you sign is a legally binding contract, which means that you can be held to the terms of the contract for the entire contract period. Please read the contract carefully before signing.
Arkansas Tech University has a two year live on experience. Students between the ages of 18 and 21, and with fewer than 60 earned credit hours of college work, who are Russellville campus students are required to live on campus or in their parent or legal guardian’s permanent home within a 30-mile radius. Students who have lived on the Russellville campus for 4 semesters (excluding ATU campus), have earned 60 college credit hours (excluding credit taken during high school), are married, are parents, or have extenuating circumstances can request exemption from this policy.
Check out our contract page for each academic year's updated policies.
Housing contracts are for the full academic year. New students starting classes during spring will sign a spring-only contract.
If you are approved to get out of your housing contract, you may be responsible for all of it depending on the date of cancellation and reason. You are not considered to be completely checked-out of your room until all of the proper paperwork has been completed and all of your belongings are removed from your room.
New students can pick up their ID at the Card Office, Brown Hall, room 242.
Your ID is used for almost everything on Tech's campus. You can use it to get into your residence hall, academic buildings, most athletic events for free, it is your DCB card, you use it to get a meal at the cafeteria (if you have a meal plan), you use it to get into SAB (Student Activities Board) events, you will need it any time you make a transaction at the Student Accounts Office, and you can use it to get a discount at several Russellville businesses.