Radio Policy Manual

Kxrj policy manual


This policy book is designed to aid the personnel at KXRJ-FM 91.9Mhz in understanding station operation. It is designed to answer questions on station operation and procedures. This book contains various facets of station policy and operation and should be consulted when conditions need or warrant. This policy book is intended to improve communication within the station and improve the station's general quality as a whole. Any questions concerning the policy book should be referred to the Station Manager. The latest update to this manual can be found online. A link is located on the Desktop of each computer at KXRJ. All broadcasts on KXRJ are subject to this book's policies, even programs that are not listed or named, specifically in this book.

General Information about KXRJ

KXRJ is owned, operated, and licensed to the Board of Trustees of Arkansas Tech University. The Federal Communications Commission granted the KXRJ license in 1985 and renewed in 2020. KXRJ is a non-commercial, non-profit, educational broadcast facility. The station is also operated as an instructional facility for the Arkansas Tech University Department of Journalism. KXRJs mission is to provide news, educational programming, non-mainstream music, and information to the University and surrounding communities. Location: Studios and Offices: Entergy Center 142 Mailing Address: KXRJ-FM Broadcast Productions1815 Coliseum Dr. Rm 142 Russellville, AR 72801 E-Mail: All policies are subject to change by the Director of Broadcasting. Format: Maintaining a consistent format for KXRJ is important. KXRJ serves a listening area of 40 to 50 thousand. It is necessary to maintain a stable offering of music, news, and other programs. It is not permitted to change elements of the station log format without the approval of the Director of Broadcasting. KXRJs format includes but is not limited to: Automation Midnight to 5:00 p.m. Alternative Music 5:00 p.m. to midnight. Rules of Conduct KXRJ is an FCC licensed, functioning on-air broadcast radio station. DJs and their guests are expected to behave in an orderly, responsible manner always. Always be cautious when entering the studios; you never know when a microphone might be on. Be careful of what you say, even in the outer rooms of the studio. If you speak loud enough, what you say could be heard on the air. Never distract the DJ. The DJ on the air is fully empowered to order anyone to leave the control room at any time. Obscenity and profanity are NOT permitted in the studios and offices of KXRJ, nor are they allowed in ANY programming. This is a practical matter and necessary to protect and maintain our license and our authority to operate. This is a matter of Federal (FCC) law. If material or language is questionable, do NOT broadcast it over the air, do NOT say it over the air, and do NOT bring it into the station. This includes even the mildest profanity or loathe. Failure to report any violation of ANY station rule, policy, or regulation is grounds for dismissal, disciplinary action, or (in some cases) criminal prosecution. The rat on your friend rule applies even to witnesses who were not an active party in the violation. Sexual references are not allowed on KXRJ, actual or implied. FCC required legal station ID's will be given between 5 minutes before and 5 minutes after the Top of the Hour (TOH). This is not optional. The first show of the evening will not begin until after DRS has given the TOH time announcement. The final evening show must end by 11:59:30 pm, and control given back to DRS so the full legal ID can run before midnight. This midnight ID is an FCC requirement and is not the standard TOH ID. If a show has been scheduled after midnight, it may begin after the full ID, time announcement, and National Anthem have played. There is a 5-second break after the National Anthem and the automation music beginning on DRS. Do not air any questionable matter of any kind. Do not hint at any questionable matter. Do not play any prerecorded material (CDs, tapes, carts, mini discs, mp3s, etc.) that contains any questionable material. Do not bring any CD, tape, mini disc, mp3, LP, etc., that has questionable material to the station (even if you do not plan to play it). Any acceptable selections that happen to be on questionable CDs should be transferred to another media to play on the air. Any violation of KXRJ policies may result in disciplinary action by the Office of Student Affairs as defined in the Arkansas Tech University Student Handbook or by Academic Affairs. Back Timing Music Tracks: Back timing is a process whereby you check the clock on the wall to determine how much time is left for your show. You then pick a song track that will run SHORTER than the time allowed. If necessary, fill with chatter before and after the song so you get your show sign off comments and station ID completed before the top of the hour (TOH). Remember, everybody gets just 60 minutes, so do not infringe on your reliefs minutes to get that last, long track in. Save it for another day and give them their full time. Allowed Music Media: You may play any music that you OWN, if it falls within the guidelines stated in this Policy Book. We understand you may want to burn copies of songs you own to pre-produce your show. This is perfectly OK, but if you are playing a "burned" CD, you must have with you the ORIGINAL, LEGALLY PURCHASED, SILK SCREENED CD's as well. The use of downloaded (legal or otherwise) music is not allowed except for some "indie" bands whose website clearly states their music is free for any use, INCLUDING BROADCAST, and otherwise not available for commercial sale channels. No more than two (2) guests in the radio station at any given time, unless there is permission from the Director of Broadcasting or Station Manager. Guests cannot be heard on the air unless they have been trained or permission is obtained as outlined above. The on-air DJ is responsible, both legally and academically, for their guests' behavior and actions or anyone in the station. Occasionally visitors come into the station. Sometimes University personnel accompany these people; sometimes, they wander in on their own. Either way, we need to be friendly to all that come into the station; they could be future DJs. If someone unknown to you enters the station, smile, be friendly and find out what they want or need. They may be lost, meeting someone, or on tour to see if they want to come to Tech. In all cases, keep an eye on people that you do not know. If they are removing or abusing property, call security. Security: The DJ who is on the air is responsible for the security of the whole station. If you encounter a suspicious situation, threatening phone calls, e-mail, a visitor who will not leave, or any other emergency, call the Tech Police at 968-0222 from your cell phone. Should no-one answer at the direct number, or if you get voice mail, call the non-emergency Russellville Police number 890-6914. Should the need arise, call 911 directly in the event of an emergency. Broadcast Practicum: Broadcast practicum is a chance for you to gain practical work experience in the field of radio. You are required to work in some production capacity for the Radio Station to fill requirements for this class (you could also do this for television). You must select a radio shift to complete the requirements for this course. There are numerous times during the week where these shifts can be met. Dismissal from the station for any reason will result in failure (F) or an incomplete (I) grade at the discretion of the Director of Broadcasting. Every aspect of the operation of the station and broadcast production will be taught to those in Broadcast Practicum by the staff of KXRJ or by the Director of Broadcasting. Station Property: Do not remove station property from the station without permission from the Director of Broadcasting. Recordings are not to be removed from the station without written consent and a written record from either the Director of Broadcasting or the Station Manager. Removal of station property without permission may result in student disciplinary action and criminal prosecution. Abuse of station property will result in student disciplinary action and criminal prosecution. Station Cleanliness: If you make a mess, clean it up. You are responsible for the cleanliness of the station when you are on the air, even if you did not make the mess. Food and drink are not allowed in the Control Room or the Production Room; however, they are allowed in the Newsroom and in the front sitting area. Food and drink containers will be disposed of immediately following their use. Do not dispose of uneaten food in the KXRJ trash containers; instead, dispose of it in the hallway trash containers. Failure to follow this rule may result in the removal of food and drink privileges. Tobacco of any kind is not allowed in the studios or the main lobby area of KXRJ. Arkansas law requires that all state buildings be tobacco-free. Please dispose of it before entering the building. To maintain a neat appearance of the station, cleanup should take place after every shift. Station Management will dispose of any items left in the station (clothing, CDs, dishes, etc.). Be sure to take out what you bring in; it can and will save you much frustration later. Personal Hygiene: Please makes sure your own personal hygiene is up to par so that working in this close area is a pleasurable experience. Smoking is not allowed in the radio station for any reason. KXRJ is a closed environment; smokers should refrain from smoking 30 minutes prior to coming into the station as not to cause discomfort to their co-workers. Shifts are 2 hours or less. Leaving the station unattended for a smoke break during your shift is unacceptable. Smokeless (spit) tobacco is not allowed in the studios of KXRJ. Be aware of your oral hygiene; if you eat spicy food before coming to the studio, please be conscious of your breath. Excessive perfume or cologne can also be unappealing in a closed studio environment. Proper attire is to be always worn while in the station. KXRJ is required to follow OSHA rules for proper clothing. Shirts and shoes are to be always worn (Yes, other clothing too!) whether working or visiting the station. Meeting Assigned Shifts: It is very important that all shift commitments are met. Do not miss your shift. If you cannot make your shift, let your station manager know as soon as possible. Usually, you can find a volunteer list of people willing to fill in on shifts. It is also advisable to help fill in shifts when someone is in need. It never hurts to generate a little goodwill.  Be on time for all shifts. Being on time means arriving at the station at least 10 minutes before your shift, or if you have a class before your shift, then immediately after the class dismisses. If you have a class before your shift, be sure to let the DJ before you know, so they will know when to expect you. Do not be late for your shift. If you absolutely cannot get to your shift on time (10 minutes before), or if you are running late, notify the station manager. Unexcused absence or failure to be at your assigned shift will result in a letter grade reduction and/or the loss of your shift. Log Jay: Log Jay, a computer-based audio logging program, is now part of an overall radio automation system from the Italian software company Win Jay. Log Jay takes the off-the-air signal from KXRJ and records the audio to a computer hard drive-in near CD quality with real-time dates and time continuously recorded with the audio. Log Jay allows Station Management to review any program in just seconds. Log Jay allows the user to specify the day, hour, minute, and second to replay. These audio logs are maintained for an extended period before being deleted to make room for more. You may request from Station Management a copy of your on-air shift should it become necessary for things such as an air-check or resume tape. This request will be forwarded to the Director of Broadcast, who will make the CD and notify you when it can be picked up. The files are large; typically, a standard 32G flash drive will hold about 4 hours of programming. These recordings are made in one-hour blocks. So, if you wanted a copy of your 7:30p 9:00p show, you would receive three files that included the 7:00p, 8:00p, and 9:00p logs. If your shift were from 9:00p to 10:30p, you would receive files for 8:00p, 9:00p and 10:00p. Log Jay may not start recording at the top of each hour, as we try to ensure that it does not start at any standard shift change. Computers: KXRJ computers are for staff use only. Guests (including boy/girlfriends) are not allowed to use the computers. Do not make any changes to settings or configurations to the computers. If you feel that something needs to be fixed, contact the Station Manager. Do not load software of any type on the station computers without direct permission from the Director of Broadcast. You may check your e-mail on these computers using any web-based e-mail only. Do not use Outlook. AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, or other messengers’ programs are NOT to be installed on any KXRJ computer. If there is a problem with any of the machines, contact the Station Manager who will contact the Director of Broadcast, if necessary. No web surfing, messaging, playing of CDs, or e-mail checking PERIOD. Usage can and will be tracked on this machine. Violators will be removed from the station. The DRS-2006 is to be used only for broadcast automation. Absolutely no other programs will be run on this machine. No web surfing, messaging, playing of CDs, or e-mail checking PERIOD. Usage can and will be tracked on this machine. Violators will be removed from the station. Typically, the DRS machine will only be used by trained staff. Emergency Operations: (Power Failure Situation) KXRJ operation is fully backed up by an emergency generator. Should a storm or other event kill commercial power to the campus, our emergency generator will immediately start. The sequence of events is as follows: Upon detection of a loss of commercial power, a relay will drop out in the generator control panel. During the few seconds required to start the generator and place it online, several UPS (uninterruptible power supplies) will take the load of everything critical to KXRJ except for the transmitter itself. When the generator is up to speed, it will take over the load, put the KXRJ transmitter back online and cause the Control Room UPS unit to begin recharging its batteries. During this time, the remaining UPS units are un-powered and will continue to beep - this is normal. Of course, you can comment on the fact that KXRJ is on the air using emergency power. If you suspect the outage is due to weather, keep your listeners updated on any Watches or Warnings that come in via the EAS 911 announcements. EAS 911: The EAS 911 monitor is located to the left of the radio operator in the control room. It is near the modulation monitor. EAS stands for Emergency Alert System. The Emergency Alert System is used to warn the public about emergency situations. There is normally no operator intervention necessary as all weekly tests are done automatically. EAS 911 Control and Monitor Panels Fire: In the event of a fire in the building, and you have time: Tell the listeners that we are experiencing technical difficulty and you will temporarily be off the air. Place the automation system online, exit the building. If you do not have time: Say a Station ID (This is KXRJ-FM 91.9 in Russellville), exit the building. If you have no time, exit the building immediately. Meter Reading: Make sure meter levels stay near 0 on the VU Meter. Make sure the program (PGM) meters located on the far left-hand side of the control console do not read too low (in the mud) or too high (in the red).Way to LOW Correct: Way to Hot Readings in the red are okay if it only PEAKS into the red. If readings are in the red for long periods, the signal will distort. Some music often has a low VU output; therefore, it is often necessary to adjust the level up some on soft points (at least to 5 VU (60)) and to bring down the level again on stronger points. Do not just let the recording run, monitor it regularly. Watt meter Transmitter: The Larcan FM250W Transmitter is running at 125w according to the Wattmeter at the top of the rack and by seven (7) green LED's illuminated to the marker. Transmitter wattage should never read above 130 or below 120. If wattage exceeds 130, notify management. Microphones and Headphones: KXRJ uses highly directional microphones. Be sure to speak directly into the FRONT of the microphone and not on the top or sides. All radio operators will wear headphones when using a microphone. No exceptions. On-Air Modulation Monitor: We now monitor the transmitter output signal on all speakers in KXRJ through the on-air Modulation Monitor. The modulation monitor is located to the left of the board in the cabinet with the EAS 911 equipment. Normal operation requires that the thumb switches be set at 115 and both RED pushbuttons depressed. The Modulation Monitor: If you do not hear KXRJ on air programming, verify the AIR push buttons on the upper left of the console are depressed, your monitor and headphone level pot settings are near the 12 O'clock position, then check that the input has the top green (PGM) button depressed, the slide is mid-way up and the green push button below the slide is illuminated. There are typically two conditions that will cause the Carrier Alarm indication to be illuminated and the alarm beeping.) If the KXRJ transmitter goes off the air, the following items will give you an immediate indication of this: 1. No program audio will be heard through: a. any wall-mounted speakers b. any headphones. 2. No movement of the Modulation Monitor meter (not the console meters). 3. The red Carrier Alarm LED will be illuminated as indicated above. 4. A beeping alarm sound will be heard from the Modulation Monitor. The most likely reason for an off-air situation is an alarm condition on the transmitter. In the event that you still hear KXRJ programming through the station speakers or headphones, but the Carrier Alarm is going off and the red LED is illuminated, you are in an under-power situation. Notify the Director of Broadcast of this situation. Extra Equipment: In the past portable radios have been used to monitor KXRJ. These will no longer be necessary, or allowed in the station, as they may receive the exciter signal and not the true transmitter output. This would give the impression that KXRJ is still broadcasting when it might be off the air. KXRJ Important Phone Numbers: People/Departments Christie Kellar 968-0347. Janet (Journalism) 964-0890. Tech Operator 968-0389. Tech Police 968-0222. Department of Education 1-800-424-0214. National Institute of Health 1-800-633-3425. American Cancer Society 1-800-276-6397. Local Media: River Valley Radio 968-6816 FAX 968-2946. The Courier 968-5252 FAX 968-4037. City of Russellville: Police 911. Fire 911. Ambulance 911. Non-Emergency 968-0911. Local Hospitals: St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center 968-2841. Dardanelle Hospital 968-2480. Telephone: KXRJs phone number is 964-0806. The FAX number is 498-6024. No live phone calls are allowed on KXRJ. Timing : Timing All music must be finished before the top of the hour (i.e., 00:59:59) because the clock on the Stinger will automatically broadcast the current time at the top of every hour. DJs with closing shifts are required to end their programs by 23:58:30 or 11:58:30 p.m. to ensure that the DRS is running properly. DRS 2006: The DRS 2006 Computer Interface DRS 2006 is the station automation system that is used to control KXRJ overnight as well as on weekends.. Make sure that the DRS Control #5, Selector #2 is pushed, and the slider pushed up to the "stop" position so the level will be correct. The DRS on Air Radio Studio Pro should already be running so that the station ID will run at 59:45, the time will be announced and then music will begin again. If, for some reason, the above does NOT happen, contact a member of station management immediately. Do NOT leave until the problem has been corrected. Technically, you are not relived of your on-air shift until the DRS is functioning properly. This includes hearing the station ID on the air. Preparing for Live DJ operation at 59 minutes, 45 seconds after the hour, the current music will fade, and the Station ID will play. DRS has been running KXRJ since May 2004 and appears to be robust and reliable but tampering with (changing settings) may cause major scheduling and operational problems. The DRS computer is NOT to be used for any function other than station automation PERIOD. Music: The KXRJ music format is not subject to changes. Music programming can only be changed with the consent of the Director of Broadcasting. The music format is designed to meet the requirements of FCC licensing. The music format is also designed to offer programming not readily available to the community from other stations. Any music taken from the library should be returned at the end of every shift. Do not leave albums, mini-disks, or CDs on the floor or scattered about the control room. Political: Any political topic or guest must be cleared with the Director of Broadcasting at least 24 hours prior to your shift. YOU WILL be required to give equal time to all candidates vying for the same position or affiliation. Example: If you are a strong member of one party and have a guest from that party on the air, you WILL host the opposition candidate in the same style and format of your previous guest. Additional guidelines are available in the on-line FCC rules section of the KXRJ Information Guide. A link is on the desktop of each computer in KXRJ. Publicity DJs are welcome and encouraged to publicize their shows. Posters and flyers may be distributed on campus if students show them to the Station Manager prior to circulation. Posters need to be in good taste, and DJs are expected to use good judgment in creating them. Profanity and obscenity are prohibited. Posters are also expected to follow Arkansas Tech University policy. DJs can make intros and outros to their Alternative shifts as well as promos. The Pacemaker 1032 Board (Do not mark on or scratch the surface of the console.) Description of controls (left to right) Level Control for Monitor Speakers: Monitor Selector (normally on AIR) Level Control for Headphones: Headphone Selector (normally on AIR) Level Control for Cue Amplifier (internal console speaker ) L & R Program Meters Mono (L & R summed) L & R Audition Meters Time and INSIDE Temperature (currently) Headphone Monitor - PGM and AUD Cue To Headphones (CTP) - OFF (normal, stereo PGM) or ON (mono PGM in left ear and mono CUE in right ear) Sliders 1-8 are identical in operation. Normally the PGM button will be depressed (Green flag) Selector Switches. Normally the TOP button will be depressed (White flag) Slider (adjust as needed to achieve 0vu) Push Buttons - Red (mute), Green (on air) Sliders 9 & 10 are similar except they have 8 inputs instead of 2. The GREEN (on-air) buttons will automatically start the appropriate CD player or Cart Machine. The RED (mute) buttons DO NOT stop any device. Definitions: Program Monitor Lets you know how strong your outgoing signal is. Audition Monitor Lets you know how strong your Audition signal is. Selector Switches Allow you to play something in Audition, Program, or not play anything at all. Slides Volume control for all devices hooked into the board. Monitor Volume Controls the volume for the interior of the station. Cue Volume Controls the volume for pots turned to Cue. Headset Volume Controls the volume of the attached headset. We are supplying a higher quality headset for the Control Room, or you may use your own stereo headset with a standard to mini stereo adapter. Headsets are to be worn any time the Control Room microphone is open no exceptions. Production Room: Station Staff 1. Station Manager assumes all Duties and Responsibilities: 1. To advise students on proper operational procedures for the Radio Station. 2. To attend all Radio Station meetings. 3. To monitor the Radio Station on the air, to regularly visit the studio and station personnel and assist in their training and development as DJs, broadcasters, news reporters, etc. 4. To mediate personnel grievances and to make personnel recommendations to the Director of Broadcasting. 5. To assume the responsibilities of the Station Manager when requested by the Director of Broadcasting. 2. Station Manager Specific Qualifications: A candidate for Station Manager shall be at least of Junior standing or have attended Arkansas Tech University for four consecutive semesters, having completed, currently enrolled or been required to enroll the next semester in Broadcast Practicum (3811, 3821, 4811, 4821), or have equivalent experience as determined by the Director of Broadcasting. b. Requirements: Sound academic record; an operating knowledge of all Station departments; full grasp of Station operations and program policies; must have ability to properly control, coordinate and administrate staff and station management. c. Functions: 1. To coordinate all major department operations of KXRJ. 2. To act, when necessary, as mediator of inter-office disputes. 3. To coordinate the activities of the general staff and to supervise the procedures required for placement and training. 4. To assure the proper and definitive enforcement and interpretation of standard operating procedures (i.e., FCC Rules and Regulations, KXRJ policies and procedures, and Arkansas Tech University policies). 5. To maintain all necessary personnel records. 6. To maintain inventories of equipment and supply requirements, and to initiate all the purchase and supply requisitions. 7. To always provide leadership and fair, honest decisions in all matters. d. Responsibility: The Station Manager is directly responsible to the Director of Broadcasting. General Staff. Specific Qualifications 1. The General staff shall be those students working at KXRJ. 2. Any Arkansas Tech University student in good standing. b. Responsibilities: Participation on the General staff of KXRJ is a privilege, which can be revoked for cause. Upon appointment each staff member must sign a responsibility form, which sets forth specific policies and guidelines for the staff. Although specific policies and guidelines may change under the direction of the Director of Broadcasting, the following responsibilities always remain in force: 1. To abide by all FCC Rules and Regulations. 2. To attend staff meetings called by the Station Manager or the Director of Broadcasting. 3. To adhere to the scheduling, logging, programming, music, sports and news formats, production and other policies set by the Director of Broadcasting. 4. The use or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited on Station premises or areas for which KXRJ is responsible. 5. Abuse of Station property is strictly prohibited.6. Unauthorized possession of Station property is strictly prohibited. Announcing and Music Presentation Style - The format of KXRJ requires an energetic, but not overly excited delivery. Above all else, when the microphone is open, be clear, concise, consistent, lucid, friendly, enlightening, and entertaining. A few suggestions on how you can achieve the goal follow. Prepare for your show. Have things to talk about that will entertain your audience as much or more than the music itself (during Alternative shifts only). Keep up with other cultural forms, news and especially University events. Arrive at the studio early enough that you can be relaxed (or pumped up, whatever your personality demands) and ready when your shift begins. For most people that will mean getting there at least 10 minutes beforehand. Follow the log and keep your breaks short. Know what you are going to say each time before you open the mic. Do not think out loud on the air (ummmmm sounds unprofessional on the radio, especially if it becomes a regular feature of your show). And beware of other vocal quirks and crutches (tongues clicks, okay, alright, etc.). Read over all copy (news and weather) before you open the mic. Incorporate here and now information into your talk not only the time and temp, but also what is going on (on campus, and in Russellville). Always be conscious of program levels, as mastering levels on recorded material vary. Make sure that your voice levels match the recorded sources, and that various recorded sources match. If you are prepared and in control, then you are doing your end of things and it will be apparent what you are going through and the fact that you are maintaining your poise despite an awkward situation.

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