Public Inspection File for KXRJ-FM 91.9Mhz


Public Inspection File for KXRJ-FM 91.9Mhz
as outlined in 47 C.F.R. 73.3527 

Contents of this file (Italic description indicates what should be found in each section.)

Station Authorization

A copy of the current FCC authorization to construct or operate the station, as well as any other documents necessary to reflect any modifications thereto or any conditions that the FCC has placed on the authorization. These materials shall be retained until replaced by a new authorization, at which time a copy of the new authorization and any related materials shall be placed in the file.

Link to Station Authorization file

Applications and Related Materials

A copy of any application tendered for filing with the FCC, together with all related material, including supporting documentation of any points claimed in the application pursuant to 73.7003, and copies of FCC decisions pertaining thereto. If petitions to deny are filed against the application and have been served on the applicant, a statement that such a petition has been filed shall be maintained in the file together with the name and address of the party filing the petition. Applications shall be retained in the public inspection file until final action has been taken on the application, except that applications for a new construction permit granted pursuant to a waiver showing and applications for assignment or transfer of license granted pursuant to a waiver showing shall be retained for as long as the waiver is in effect. In addition, license renewal applications granted on a short-term basis shall be retained until final action has been taken on the license renewal application filed immediately following the shortened license term.

None Pending 

Citizen Agreements

A copy of any written citizen agreements must be available. A citizen agreement is an agreement between a licensee and one or more citizens that deal with goals or proposed practices that affect station operations in the public interest in areas such as - but not limited to - programming and employments. Agreements must be available for as long as they are in force.


Contour Maps

A copy of any service contour maps, submitted with any application tendered for filing with the FCC, together with any other information in the application showing service contours and/or main studio and transmitter location (State, county, city, street address, or other identifying information). These documents shall be retained for as long as they reflect current, accurate information regarding the station.

Link to Contour Map file

Ownership Reports and Related Materials

A copy of the most recent, complete ownership report filed with the FCC for the station, together with any subsequent statement filed with the FCC certifying that the current report is accurate, and together with all related material. These materials shall be retained until a new, complete ownership report is filed with the FCC, at which time a copy of the new report and any related materials shall be placed in the file. The permittee or licensee must retain in the public file either a copy of the contracts listed in such reports in accordance with 73.3615(d)(3), or an up-to-date list of such contracts. Licensees and permittees who choose to maintain a list of contracts must provide a copy of any contracts to requesting parties within 7 days.

Link to Ownership Report file

Political File

Such records as are required by 73.1943 to be kept concerning broadcasts by candidates for public office. These records shall be retained for the period specified in 73.1943 (2 years).

No Political Data on File 

Equal Employment Opportunity File

Such information as is required by 73.2080 to be kept in the public inspection file. These materials shall be retained until final action has been taken on the stations next license renewal application. NOTE: As of January 2001, the FCC requirement for this file was found to be unconstitutional and therefore, no longer required.

Link to EEOC file

The Public and Broadcasting

At all times, a copy of the most recent version of the manual entitled The Public and Broadcasting should be available.

Web version via this link: The Public and Broadcasting or Adobe PDF here.

Letters and E-mail From the Public

All letters and written comments received from the public regarding the operation of the station must be placed in the file. Written comments and suggestions include electronic mail sent to an e-mail address that the station publicized or communications addressed to station management. Exceptions include when the writer requests that it not be placed in the file or when the licensee feels that the nature of the comments are obscene or defamatory.

Link to Letters File

Radio Issues and Programs Lists

For nonexempt noncommercial educational broadcast stations, every three months a list of programs that have provided the stations most significant treatment of community issues during the preceding three month period. The list for each calendar quarter is to be filed by the tenth day of the succeeding calendar quarter (e.g., January 10 for the quarter OctoberDecember, April 10 for the quarter JanuaryMarch, etc.). The list shall include a brief narrative describing what issues were given significant treatment and the programming that provided this treatment. The description of the programs shall include, but shall not be limited to, the time, date, duration, and title of each program in which the issue was treated. The lists described in this paragraph shall be retained in the public inspection file until final action has been taken on the stations next license renewal application.

Link to Issues & Program Lists

Time Brokerage, Joint Salesand Local Marketing Agreements (LMA)

A copy of every station LMA or time brokerage agreement or contract must be available in the file. In addition, time brokerage or LMA's by any other station's licensee at your station must be in the file.


Donor List

The lists of donors supporting specific programs. These lists shall be retained for two years from the date of the broadcast of the specific program supported.

We do not accept donations, thus no Donor's are on file.

Local Public Notice Announcements

Each applicant for renewal of license shall, within 7 days of the last day of broadcast of the local public notice of filing announcements required pursuant to 73.3580(h), place in the stations local public inspection file a statement certifying compliance with this requirement. The dates and times that the pre-filing and post-filing notices were broadcast and the text thereof shall be made part of the certifying statement. The certifying statement shall be retained in the public file for the period specified in 73.3580 (for as long as the application to which it refers).

None currently in effect

Material Relating to FCC Investigation or Complaint

Material having a substantial bearing on a matter which is the subject of an FCC investigation or complaint to the FCC of which the applicant, permittee, or licensee has been advised. This material shall be retained until the applicant, permittee, or licensee is notified in writing that the material may be discarded.

None pending