The Offices of University Testing and Disability Services are committed to providing
timely and secure testing services for students and faculty. In order to effectively
serve the needs of our students and faculty members, we adhere to the following guidelines
for implementing test accommodations:
- The student must be registered with the Office of Disability Services and have the
current semester’s letter of accommodation on file.
- Students should notify their instructor(s) in advance of the scheduled exam for which
they plan to use an approved testing accommodation. Instructors should communicate
to their students how much notice is required. Students should refer to the course
syllabus or contact the instructor if uncertain of the instructor’s expectations.
- Identifying an appropriate time for testing is a shared responsibility between the
student and the instructor. Generally, we cannot offer the option of taking an exam
outside of the scheduled class time without approval from the instructor. Recognizing
scheduling conflicts may arise, University Testing will proctor exams at other times
upon notification from the instructor. A phone call or e-mail from the faculty member
will suffice as proper notification.
- All exams must be scheduled in advance of the test time/date. Students may schedule
their exam time if they are testing simultaneously with the regularly scheduled class.
Students should call 968-0302 or stop by University Testing to confirm the test time(s).
- Faculty, or designated staff, is responsible for ensuring the test is delivered to
University Testing. Delivery may be in person, via e-mail (utds@atu.edu), or exams may be faxed to 968-0375. If assistance is needed, please call 968-0302.
- Test Center hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. If a student schedules
and commences an exam during a time frame that does not allow for the full amount
of allotted time, the student will forfeit the portion of the extended time which
occurs after 5:00 p.m.
- Students should arrive on time for their scheduled exam. Students who are unable to
make their appointment are expected to notify their instructor and University Testing
as soon as possible.
- Students must show a valid ID in order to take their test(s).
- Lockers with keys are provided for students to store their personal belongings while
in the Testing Lab. Cell phones are strictly prohibited. Students may also be asked
to remove all loose items from their pockets and place them in the storage lockers.
- Students are not allowed to take books, books bags/backpacks, notes or any class related
material into a testing area unless their instructor has provided written permission
on the Testing Intake Form. Students wearing hats, caps, or other forms of headwear
may be asked to remove the attire during testing unless the headwear is worn for religious
reasons or due to a disabling condition.
If you have any questions or concerns about testing accommodations for students registered
with the Office of Disability Services please contact Ashlee Wilson, Coordinator for
Disability Services at 968-0302. For questions about standardized testing practices
and policies, please contact Karen Pittman, Coordinator of Testing Services at 968-0382.