Nursing Student Resources

Student Resources

Student Handbook - Master's Program

FERPA Forms - Use "References Request Form"

Licensing Information



Students who have declared nursing as their major and do not already have a license (BSN Pre-licensure students) are advised through the Arkansas Tech University Academic Advising Center until they can apply for the nursing program (upper division nursing) or until they have completed 48 earned hours.  Students are assigned a Nursing Faculty advisor at that time where they will work together to plan the student's schedule of courses for each semester during the pre-registration period. Additionally, students should communicate with their advisor concerning any academic issues or problems they encounter during their career at ATU. We feel that a close relationship between the student and their advisor in our Department greatly facilitates good communication. A student may request a change of advisor by submitting the request to the chair of the Nursing Department.

All students who are transferring to Arkansas Tech and have declared nursing as their major will be advised through the Nursing Department.  Phone: 479-968-0383. 

Students who already have a registered nurse license, but are seeking a Bachelor’s degree (RN-BSN) and graduate students seeking a Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN) are advised through the department as well, but should contact: Sarah (Hottinger) Hardy, Phone: 479-498-2832



Arkansas Tech Foundation Scholarships for Nursing Majors

Browse ATU Foundation Scholarships

Other Scholarship Info:

Visit our bulletin board between Dean 220 and Dean 221 for posted notices.

Coursey Enterprises, Inc - First Year Nursing Student Scholarship

Program for Continuing Education for Women