A business model competition where high school students present their business plan for a new product, service, or expansion of a current business. Teams of 2-5 will compete against other teams by submitting a video presentation by Feb. 14th. The panel of judges will be comprised of business leaders in the Russellville community. The winning team from each high school will participate in the finale at Arkansas Tech. Each team invited to attend the finale will also receive a coaching session prior to the event from a member of the ATU campus or local community. Please submit your completed application to Angie Bell, Coordinator of Student Engagement at abell@atu.edu.
Teams will compete for a grand prize of $500 on April 3rd at Arkansas Tech.
Application Deadline: January 27th
Preliminary Competition: Video Presentations due February 17th @ 5:00 pm
Coaching Sessions: March 3rd - 6th
Finale: April 10th, 2025 @ 10:00 am, ATU Doc Bryan Lecture Hall
2024 High School Business Challenge Winners
Christopher Brown
Shyisha Willis, Matilyn Christopher
Faithlynn Metcalf, Maribel Tenango, Ashlee Loaeza
Alaina Reeves