Faculty Resources for a Study Abroad Trip


Faculty Resources



I hope you will consider leading a study abroad trip.  Many of our students never had the opportunity to travel abroad. The study abroad experience you create has the power to change students’ perspectives about the world. They will return to Arkansas with a much broadened view of the world that will set them apart. You can make a difference.

Start with what you know; what type of study abroad trip would make sense in your field? You can share your expertise with your students in a new way on a study abroad trip.

What would you like for your students to learn during their time abroad with you? Where would you like to go and for how long would you like to stay?  Do you already have international connections? 

Feel free to email me at ghaulmark@atu.edu, so we can set up a time to meet and discuss your options.

I look forward to speaking with you!

Bon voyage! Safe travels! Gute Reise! Buen viaje!

Gabriele Haulmark,

Study Abroad Coordinator


Important Faculty Links

Study Abroad Timeline

Arkansas Tech International Travel Policy