FAQ’s about Personal Counseling at ATU

Why is there a personal counseling service on campus?
Discussing personal situations with friends, family, and others can be helpful, but sometimes these people care so much about your well-being that they become over-involved and lose their objectivity. Personal counseling may offer a different perspective and help develop new strategies and solutions.

Aren't most people who seek personal counseling sick or crazy?
Certainly not! Most students who seek counseling desire personal growth and are responding to changes in their lives; we are here to help. We believe that seeking counseling is a sign of personal strength.

What kinds of problems do students typically bring to counseling?

  • FEELINGS such as depression, anxiety, anger, loneliness, stress, low self-esteem, or hopelessness
  • RELATIONSHIPS with parents, spouses, partners, boyfriends, girlfriends, or friends
  • BEHAVIORS like crying, eating too much or too little, abusing alcohol and many others
  • ACADEMIC situations like test anxiety, procrastination, or time management

How much do counseling services cost on campus?
Counseling sessions are FREE and access to the services are included in the Health and Wellness fee with your tuition!! Students who fail to attend an appointment without cancelling or rescheduling within 24 hours of the appointment will be charged a $25 fee to their student account.  There is one "free pass" for the first missed appointment.

Will anyone else know that a student is attending counseling?
No, counseling is confidential and the counselors are legally bound to keep your personal information private. Parents, friends, or faculty members will not be told whether students are coming to counseling and will not be given any information about counseling without the student's written permission. Also, counseling records are not included in the student's university record.

If I've been to the hospital, how can I adjust when I return?
Returning to campus from the hospital can be overwhelming, but there are many resources on campus for making the adjustment.  Please see the booklet here for more information and contact Counseling Services if you have questions.