Stress Management Tips


making the transition to college

Making the transition from high school to college can be difficult.  There are many new challenges that first year college students face. Here are some tips on how to be successful as a first year college student:

  • Make going to class the top priority
  • Create a realistic schedule for all activities- class, work, meals, exercise, social time, study time
  • Accomplish something every day
  • Get into routines the first week of class- these will stick for the rest of the semester
  • Learn how to say "no" to yourself and others- it's ok to miss out sometimes
  • Find ways to get involved on campus 

stress management for all students

Stress is a part of our everyday lives and college students are no exception.  Here are some stress management tips for all students, freshmen to seniors:

  • Maintain a schedule
  • Eat healthy foods and get exercise daily if possible
  • Focus on what you control and take action
  • Take time for self-care
  • Find ways to laugh- it is good medicine
  • Do something that matters to you and give to others
  • Keep a journal
  • Spend time outdoors
  • Seek support from others 
  • Practice mindfulness

 Stress can impact both our physical and emotional health.  It is important to not only be aware of the effects of stress but to also have some tools for effectively coping with stress.  This video from WellCast describes the effects of stress and some ways to cope with stress.

What is stress and what should we do to manage it?  This video from the BBC discusses what stress is and some tools for relieving stress.