Well Woman Visits

If you are interested in starting a birth control method the HWC requires you to have a well woman exam.  The well woman exam allows the APRNs to assess for any issues that could be worsened by starting a birth control method. For more information about what to expect from this exam, please view this presentation.

A well-woman exam includes:

  • A clinical breast exam (CBE):
    This is palpation of the breast tissue and a visual check of your breast to check fo  any changes or abnormalities. Clinical breast exams aid in early breast cancer detection and should be done yearly.
  • A pelvic exam:
    This includes an external exam of the genital area, a speculum exam of the vaginal canal and cervix, and a bimanual (two hands) exam to check your uterus and ovaries.
  • If you are 21 or older, a pap test:
    This is done during the speculum exam of the pelvic exam.  A sample of cells is taken from the cervix with a soft painless brush and sent to the lab to screen for cervical cancer.
  • Screening for gonorrhea and chlamydia:
    This may be done with a urine sample, vaginal swab, or if a pap test is performed it will be screened with the pap test sample.

We have brochures available at the Health and Wellness Center for more detailed information and you can also call to speak with a nurse, make an appointment just for birth control consultation, or go to our “Ask a Nurse” feature on our website.

Even if you are not interested in a birth control method, a yearly well woman exam is highly recommended and encouraged.  The well woman visit is provided at an additional charge to the student for some of the necessary labs including the pap.  The pregnancy test and any STD labs are provided at no charge.  See current health and wellness lab charges for more information.