Communication and Media Studies Homepage

Communication & Media Studies

Spoken language is the genesis of human intellect and becomes the defining characteristic of our species as the mind is built through conversations with significant others. Judgments are made of character, intelligence and potential upon listening to an individuals talk. The most articulate among us are given positions of power within relationships, groups, and organizations. Language in the grasp of a skilled speaker becomes a powerful tool for influence and leadership. It is for such roles in a myriad of communication channels that we endeavor to prepare our students through advising, coursework, training, activities, and modeling ethical behavior. The media extend our domain beyond the immediate range of our voice to the ether. The power of speech and the range of media mandate that we teach our students to transmit only high quality messages.

The vision of the Department of Communication and Media studies is to have a positive effect on society by empowering students to craft and evaluate effective messages for different contexts and platforms.

The mission of the Department of Communication and Media Studies is to bring about the development and practice of effective, creative and ethical communication skills by students in a variety of mediated and non-mediated contexts.





Theatre Program


Broadcast Productions

Student Organizations






Contact the Department of Communication & mEDIA sTUDIES

Janet Carnahan-Lee
Energy Center
1815 Coliseum Drive
Russellville, AR 72801