ELEVATE The Career Advancement Academy




The Career Development Academy is available through ATU Career Services for all undergraduate and graduate students to participate.

Students will be recognized for their efforts after completing all levels of the program with a certificate titling them an ELEVATE Professional, a padfolio to use in interviews, and a notification sent to their faculty advisor and department head, honoring their efforts.

Are you ready to ELEVATE? If so, click HERE to apply!

To incorporate portions of the milestones above as assignments or as modules within your Blackboard course, please contact career.services@atu.edu to be added as a Teacher Assistant in the ELEVATE Blackboard shell or fill out this form so we can enroll your students and grade their assignments for you! 

Successful students will complete each of the following milestones (M):

  • M1-Self-Assessment
    • Take two unique self-assessments and submit results.
    • Reflect upon the results and perceptions of self.
  • M2-Career Action Plan
    • Research 3+ career options, including salary, hiring outlook, educational requirements, environment, and skills needed.
    • Find currently available positions for each of the chosen career options on our Handshake platform and compare the job descriptions to previous assignment's findings. 
    • Create a Career Action Plan with SMART goals for life after graduation.
  • M3-Resume and Cover Letter
    • Write and seek feedback from ATU Career Services on resume and cover letter documents.
  • M4-Practice Interviews
    • Record 2 practice interviews through Big Interview software and receive feedback from ATU Career Services staff.
    • Answer reflection questions on best practices and lessons learned.
  • M5-Networking
    • Attend 2+ networking opportunities and report back with list of industry professionals.
    • Conduct follow-up outreach with at least three professionals in the field.
    • Reflect on what you learned from the professionals in your industry of choice.
    • Review Career Action Plan and SMART Goals to see if changes are needed with new information from professionals.
  • M6-Experiential Learning
    • Log experiential learning hours and report back on what was learned.
    • Answer reflection questions about time in the field and create an elevator pitch. 
    • Update Career Action Plan and SMART Goals to reflect new knowledge from the ELEVATE program.

 We will also be launching our new Career Advancement Academy, ELITE soon! ELITE will go above and beyond ELEVATE and help students articulate their skills, continue their professional development, and contribute to their field.