Ozark Campus Employee Daily Health Screening


Ozark Campus Employee Daily Health Screening

In order to help keep our ATU community safe, healthy, and to prevent the spread of COVID-19, as an employee at ATU you are required to participate in a daily health screen.


Please complete the online screening form each day BEFORE leaving your home.

Ozark Campus Daily Health Screening Form 

Step 1:

Take your temperature. If you do not have access to a thermometer, please visit the temperature check stations available for you. These locations are as follows starting July 6th:

  1. Student Services Room 100 located in Student Services Conference Center (SSCC) Monday-Friday; 8 am to 5 pm
  2. Academic Affairs Office Room 151 Monday – Friday; 8 am to 5 pm
  3. Collegiate Center entrance Monday-Friday; 8 am to 9 pm


Step 2:

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms that are not associated with a chronic or persistent health condition?

    1. Cough
    2. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    3. Fever of 100.4 or greater
    4. Chills
    5. Muscle pain
    6. Sore throat
    7. New loss of taste or smell
    8. Congestion or runny nose
    9. Nausea or vomiting
    10. Diarrhea

  2. Have you been tested for COVID-19 in the last 14 days due to having symptoms or being exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?

  3. Have you been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days?


Step 3:

If you answered YES to any of the questions in Step 2, please do not come to campus. You will receive an email stating you are not clear to come to campus. Call your supervisor, David Spicer at (479) 508-3359 and then call the Health and Wellness Center immediately at 479-968-0329 for further instruction.*

If you answered NO to ALL questions in Step 2, you are clear to come to campus and will receive an email verifying your clearance.

*After hours and weekend guidance: If you answer YES to any of the questions in Step 2, and it is after 5:00 pm Monday-Friday or on Saturday or Sunday, please contact your medical provider, urgent care clinic, or emergency room for evaluation. If your health care provider suspects you may have COVID-19 or you are tested for COVID-19, please isolate at home and contact David Spicer at (479) 508-3359 and the Health and Wellness Center at (479)968-0329 during normal business hours of Monday-Friday- 8 am to 5 pm.


Thank you for your cooperation in helping us keep campus safe and healthy!



Supervisor Instructions 

All employees on campus must complete the health screenings every day before coming to campus. If your employee does not have access to the internet, there will need to be a plan in place for them to do this upon first arrival to the department. There will be thermometer stations on campus for employees who do not have access to a thermometer (see above for locations). However, they must be made aware that if they are having any symptoms they should NOT come to campus. After the employee submits their screening form they will receive an email that states that they are clear to go to work or that they are not cleared and must call their supervisor, David Spicer at (479) 508-3359 and the Health and Wellness Center at (479)-968-0329. If it is after hours or on weekends, they would need to contact David Spicer and the Health and Wellness Center during normal business hours- Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. David Spicer will have access to the employee spreadsheet that includes the daily health screening results. It is up to David Spicer to ensure that every employee coming on campus each day has submitted a health screen and is cleared to be at work each day.

If you supervise a large number of employees or would like to organize your approach to managing the daily emails you’ll be receiving regarding the status of your employees’ health, please visit the following website for instructions on creating rules for your emails.

Outlook rules allow you to move an item from a certain sender or with certain words in the subject line to another folder for easier follow-up.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ATU Health and Wellness Center at (479) 968-0329 or e-mail hwc@atu.edu.