Process for Adding Courses to the General Education Curriculum


Process for Adding Courses to the General Education Curriculum



Flowchart of process for adding general education courses


The process for adding courses to the ATU General Education Curriculum is as follows:
  1. Submit a complete GE Course Proposal Form to the Director of General Education at least one week prior to a scheduled General Education Committee meeting. A representative knowledgable about the proposal should attend that GE Committee meeting to answer questions.
  2. If the GE Committee approves the proposed addition, the next step will either be
    1. to bring the proposal to Faculty Senate for approval (in the case of courses that are already part of ATU's existing course catalog), or
    2. in the case of entirely new courses, to submit a proposal to the Curriculum Committee for approval, and then to Faculty Senate for approval.  
  3. If all of the above stages are approved, then the course is added to the undergraduate catalog as part of the GE curriculum.