Students are allowed to have their cell phones. The best method of contacting your student is to contact them directly. The AGS office is not open after hours and the phone will not be answered. Voicemails are returned on the next business day.
The AGS Business Office observes the following hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
The AGS Camp Office is occassional monitored after-hours until 9:00 p.m.: 479-968-0391
All unanswered calls, during and after-hours, are recorded on voicemail and will be returned during office hours.
Remember, the best way to contact your student is via their personal cell phone.
Packages or mail for the student can be sent to the ATU Post Office, 1711 Coliseum Drive Russellville, AR 72801. Be sure to put the name of the student and Attn: Arkansas Governor's School on the front of the package/mail. Students can check with the post office if they are expecting a package. We will also send an email/WebEx message to students when they have a package in the post office. The post office is closed on Saturday and Sunday each week. Students should not order food deliveries using the post office address.
Emergency Phone
For emergencies, you should first try to contact your student directly. During regular business hours you may call the AGS Office and we will try to locate your student. If you are unable to reach AGS staff or your student and it is an emergency, please call Arkansas Tech University Public Safety at (479) 968-0222 (This number patches the caller into the campus public safety radio network, and is strictly for “life or death” emergencies). Please note that ATU's Public Safety Officers can neither take after-hour messages for the AGS Office nor pass on messages to AGS students, faculty, or staff.