How Students Safely Return to Campus



How Students Safely Return to Campus


Arkansas Tech University remains deeply concerned about current COVID-19 cases. Here are a few best practices to consider for the 2021-22 academic year.


Personal Precautions

  • Students will be required to wear face coverings regardless of their vaccination status when indoors in a congregational setting, including classrooms, meeting rooms, building lobbies and hallways. Students who are in their residence hall rooms and on-campus apartments will not be required to wear face coverings.

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds covering all surfaces of your hand. Hand washing should be performed:

    • after you have been in a public place
    • after using the restroom
    • before eating
    • after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose
    • anytime hands are visibly soiled
    • after touching frequently touched surfaces such as door handles and counters


  • Hand sanitizer for personal use will be valuable in preventing the spread of COVID-19 while on campus. ATU is increasing the amount of hand sanitizer available to employees so please use frequently. 

Cleaning Protocols

  • Disinfectant wipes and disinfectant sprays are recommended to clean surfaces throughout the day that may be contaminated.

  • Increased cleaning protocols will be in place in public areas and classrooms, as well as for objects that are easily contaminated and high touch surfaces, such as doorknobs and light switches. Detailed information about cleaning protocols can be found at

Social Distancing

  • While on campus, students should practice social distancing whenever possible and should exercise caution when in groups.


  • Finally, you will also notice updated signs throughout campus buildings providing instructions and reminders. Please take note and read this important information.

  • Follow traffic flow signs and directions to allow for social distancing measures.


Your health and safety is our priority. Following these recommendations will help protect you and others so that together, we can Fight On!