Assessment Defined & Timeline


Assessment Model 


  1. University Mission : Arkansas Tech University, a state-supported institution of higher education, is dedicated to nurturing scholastic development, integrity and professionalism. The university offers a wide range of traditional and innovative programs which provide a solid educational foundation for life-long learning to a diverse community of learners.
  2. Ozark Campus Mission : Arkansas Tech University - Ozark Campus, in partnership with the community, will provide a quality educational environment which will enable all students to learn the skills and acquire the knowledge necessary for them to become contributing members in the workforce and in society.
  3. Ozark Campus - Program Educational Goals : Program educational goals are broad statements that describe program career and professional accomplishments. Each Career and Technical program on the Ozark Campus will prepare students to meet the established goals embedded throughout each individual program of study. Students completing a TC or AAS program of study will be able to demonstrate:
    • The ability to contribute and function in a collaborative environment.
    • The ability to identify, analyze and solve technical problems.
    • The ability to communicate effectively.
    • A recognition of the need for and ability to engage in life long learning.
    • An ability to understand professional, ethical and social responsibilities.
    • A commitment to quality, timeliness and continuous improvement.
    • An ability to utilize and apply critical thinking skills.
    • An ability to apply knowledge and skills required to function in a specific technical discipline.
  4. Ozark Campus Program Student Learning Outcomes : Program Student Learning Outcomes are narrower statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that students acquire through the progression of the program.
  5. Method of Assessment : Program assessment is to be done by each department on a regular basis, Samples of program student learning outcomes may be found on the software Program called Trac-Dat, which is maintained by the Russellville campus. Other types of assessment are evaluated on our campus and maintained by the Trac-Dat software. These type of assessments include non academic assessments that effect student learning from every area of student contact from Admissions to Facilities and maintenance. The results of these assessments reported back to the Assessment Committee, and logged on Trac-Dat, and are used to improve the quality of student learning for our students.
  6. Time line for Assessment : Program assessment reports are to be completed annually by, August 1 reporting the results from the preceding year. Each department head will enter the information into Trac-Dat, keeping a copy in their department also.

Assessment Timeline

Arkansas Tech University - Ozark Campus

Revised September 2009


Arkansas Tech University - Ozark Campus supports the belief that assessment is a tool which utilizes data to evaluate student and program performance. Assessment on the Ozark Campus will be used to enhance student learning through curricular, instructional, and budgetary planning. The following is a timeline that the Ozark Campus follows to evaluate the effectiveness of each of its programs. Program chairs are responsible for the development and collection of data required to meet educational outcomes. The assessment committee will monitor the assessment timeline and provide support and expertise in the development of the program assessments.

Examples of Direct Measures which measure Educational Outcomes:Industry exam, program exit, pre and post test, authentic assessment of student skills using rubric, internship evaluation of skill.

Examples of Indirect Measure which measure Educational Outcomes:Employer surveys, advisory board evaluations, self reporting from students

Timeline of the Assessment Cycle: Closes the Loop to Program Assessment to help determine:professional development activities, budget allocations, curriculum review or other changes to program based on data information.

Yearly or ongoing

September - August Data collected to support Educational Objectives.

September 1

Current Plan Data reported to assessment committee from previous year using Program Assessment Form.

Column 3Actual Results Obtained reported.

Column 4Use of results for improvement reported.

September 1

New Plan developed based on direct measures and evaluation of data using Program Assessment Form.

Column 1Educational Objectives/Student Outcomes developed and reported.

Column 2Measures to be used/criteria for success developed and reported.