2016-2017 Department of Physical Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Physics

The nuclear physics curriculum is designed to provide a baccalaureate degree program for persons employed or those interested in employment in the nuclear power industry. The program provides a combination of courses which form a firm theoretical foundation for those presently employed as nuclear power plant operators.

Students without nuclear power industry experience or training will, in addition to the theoretical education provided through the program, receive sufficient training to enter nuclear power plant specific training. Graduates will also be prepared to enter a graduate school in nuclear physics or nuclear engineering.


The matrix below is a sample plan for all coursework required for this program.

1See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". A specific general education core course does not have to be taken in the semester listed, any other part of the general education core at any time is acceptable as well.
2Must complete both the PHYS class and one PHYS upper division elective (PHYS course offered in alternating years). (upper division = 3000-4000 level courses).