Guiding Principles

The Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) acknowledges the President and Executive Council are charged with the responsibility for the implementation and deployment of all the University’s financial resources in accordance with the University’s mission.  This may include divisional requests not fully funded and may require the President and/or Vice Presidents to manage the budget by reallocating existing funds.

In order to fulfill the committee’s charge, committee members may ask the President or Vice Presidents for information pertaining to budget requests. Each committee member’s voice will be heard objectively, respectively, and with sensitivity to the issues most pressing to them.  At times, the committee may agree to disagree with consensus decision making methods.  At such times, there will always be collegial dialogue and respectful interactions among members. 

While framing recommendations to the President, Committee members will deliberate using the following guiding principles:

The BAC members should embrace and use guiding principles of distributive leadership in consideration information and development of information to develop the annual budget appropriation request.  The committee should engage in respectful discussions concerning the annual budget development as it relates to student impacts and considerations of service levels in supporting of students in their educational goals. BAC members are requested to represent the best interest of the University as a whole and rely upon ATUs vision, mission, strategic plan, and Board and/or President directed priorities. BAC members will commit to supporting the budget development process by distributing information to their constituent base and encourage feedback from them.