Advanced Certificate in Data Analytics
The Advanced Certificate in Data Analytics is designed to provide students with data analytics skills applicable to a wide variety of business, nonprofit, and governmental settings. Recent advances in technology have made it possible to easily collect large amounts of data. This program allows students to capitalize on this data, perform various data analysis techniques, and create visualizations to communicate the results for making decisions and guiding actions.
The Advanced Certificate in Data Analytics has a total of 24 credit hours.
- MATH 1113 College Algebra (or math ACT score of 22 or higher)
- BUAD 2003 Business Information Systems
- MATH 2223 Quantitative Business Analysis
- STAT 2163 Introduction to Statistical Methods or PSY 2053 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences/SOC 2053 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
- BDA 2003 Business Problem Solving
- BDA 2023 Introduction to Data Visualization
Electives (6 hours) - Two courses selected from the following: