2016-2017 Department of Parks, Recreation & Hospitality Administration

Recreation & Park Administration Program

Interpretation Emphasis

The Interpretation Emphasis offers a curriculum that utilizes communication skills and interpretive methods courses for those wanting to find employment with various interpretive programs of private, state and federal agencies operating cultural and natural history oriented sites. Students are required to minor in Anthropology, Biology, or History.


The matrix below is a sample plan for all coursework required for this program.

1See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements".
2Students must minor in Anthropology, History or Biology. See Departmental Advisor.
3Students must select from the following list of RP courses: RP 1993 Basic Forest Firefighting, RP 3023 Camp Administration,RP 3053 Natural Resource Management and Planning, RP/ HA 3133 Tourism Planning, RP 3993 Wildland Fire Practices in Natural Resource Management, RP 4042 Field Seminar in Interpretive Methods, RP 4053 Water Resources Development,RP/HA 4093 Resort Management, RP 4951-4 Undergraduate Research in Recreation and Park Administration, RP 4991-3 Special Problems and Topics.
4Internship must be completed in last semester after all coursework has been completed.