Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention - Get Help

Take Action / How To Get Help

If you believe you or a friend has an alcohol or other drug abuse problem, don’t hesitate to seek help. The licensed professional counselors at the Health and Wellness Center can direct you to the appropriate resources. Discussing personal situations with friends, family, and others can be helpful, but sometimes these people care so much about your well-being that they become over-involved and lose their objectivity. Personal counseling and/or a treatment program may offer a different perspective and help develop new strategies and solutions. Counseling services are free to currently enrolled Tech students.

You can make an appointment by calling 479-968-0329 or you can also schedule an appointment online at The Health and Wellness Center is located in the Doc Bryan Student Services Center, Suite 119.

An online screening is available on the Counseling Services website. This might be a good place to start if you’re unsure. To begin the screening, simply navigate to this website: