Health Assessment Video
Due to the size of the videos we may not be able to use Blackboard to upload them. An alternative is to use Google Drive. You may still send a hard copy of your video(s) (DVD) instead of uploading electronically.
Note on video formats :
To help faculty view your video, please record your videos in one of those formats : (.MP4, .AVI, .WMV, .FLV .WebM, .MPEG4, .3GPP, .MOV, .MPEGPS)Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service by Google, for every account it gives you 5GB free, to use Google Drive you need to:
- Have a Gmail account, if you don’t have a Gmail account you need to create a new one.
- Install Google Drive , to install Google Drive you need to :
- Go to
- Click the Download Google Drive for your PC button.
- Open googledrivesync.exe to automatically install and start Google Drive on your PC. (You may receive a warning that Google Drive is an application downloaded from the Internet. Click the Open button.)
- Enter your Google Account username and password in the window that opens. This will be the account associated with Google Drive for your PC.
- Complete the installation package instructions.
- Once You have download and install Google Drive, Go to again
- Log on to your account :
- Click on create, than select Folder
- Name it Video_Nur
- Enter to the folder Video_Nur and start uploading your videos : (click the upload icon then Files)
- Once you upload all your videos, select them :
- Click on More, then Share , then Share as shown in the picture
- Enter the instructor Email address as shown in the picture AND, DO NOT FORGET TO CHECK : "Notify people via Email"
- Click Share and Save ©