Our faculty and staff are here to teach, mentor, and guide you as you grow into a
leader in your field. We’re committed to your success and eager to support you every
step of the way!
Dr. Christine AustinProfessorHigher Education and Student AffairsDean Suite 107, (479) 880-4181View Profile >
Dr. Rene CoutureDepartment Head, Professor, & Program DirectorSchool of Professional & Community Education, Higher Education and Student AffairsDean Hall, Suite 201, (479) 356-2007View Profile >
Dr. Dana TribbleAssistant Professor & TECH 1001/1013 Program DirectorHigher Education and Student AffairsDean Hall, Suite 110, (479) 964-3288View Profile >
Stephanie SwatzelAdministrative Specialist IIISchool of Professional & Community Education479-356-2092View Profile >
Paula Gonzalez PradoGraduate AssistantHigher Education and Student AffairsDean Hall, Suite 110, (479) 964-3288
Lynnlee MitchellGraduate AssistantHigher Education and Student AffairsDean Hall, Suite 110, (479) 964-3288
Braden JonesGraduate AssistantHigher Education and Student AffairsDean Hall, Suite 110, (479) 964-3288
Cole YoungGraduate AssistantHigher Education and Student AffairsDean Hall, Suite 110, (479) 964-3288