Department of Management & Marketing
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Business Data Analytics
Business Data Analytics applies knowledge and skills in business, math, and technology to solve some of today’s toughest problems. Students learn to apply quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and high ethical standards to real world situations. Graduates in this major are able to analyze both small and big data sets to develop business insights to guide decision making. Analysts see trends, identify opportunities, and make predictions that allow businesses to survive and thrive in a competitive, rapidly changing environment. People who can make sense of the numbers and have strong data-driven decision making skills are highly sought after in organizations of all size and across all industries. The goal of the BDA program is to have students ready to contribute to the organization’s bottom line from day one.
The matrix below is a sample plan for all coursework required for this program.
1See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in “General Education Requirements”.
2BDA Electives: MGMT 3113 Business Process Improvement, BDA 4031-3 Internship, BDA 4073 Special Topics.