Training Options


If you would like to schedule an in-person or virtual training for your class, office, RSO, or department, please visit our Take Time for Title IX page or reach out to Amy Pennington, Title IX Coordinator, at Examples of previous training topics include bystander intervention, Title IX basics, survivor support, consent and healthy relationships, neurobiology of trauma, rape culture, and more.

Upcoming Events

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April 2024)

Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Brittany Piper presents Rape Culture: A Survivor's Perspective
Hull Building Student Union
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Brittany Piper is a speaker, activist, rape survivor, and leading national expert and advocate on sexual violence prevention and recovery. She is also a forensic neurobiology expert— conducting trauma-informed trainings and programs. Her objective is to empower survivors to heal their past, so they can thrive in the present. Brittany is able to use her perspective as a survivor, as well as a trauma and prevention expert, to educate communities and organizations on the many perspectives of sexual violence prevention AND recovery. Learn more about the Brittany Piper at

Tuesday, April 16
Tabling Event, Healthy Relationships
Chambers Cafeteria
11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Join the Title IX team for a drop-by discussion on healthy relationships. Swing by our table to grab some Title IX Office swag, including t-shirts while supplies last!

Wednesday, April 24
Tabling Event, Candy and Consent

Hindsman Bell Tower
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Join the Title IX team as we discuss consent. Swing by our table to grab some Title IX Office swag and candy on your way to and from class.

As a result of Title IX Education and Outreach Efforts, students will:

  1. Gain knowledge and understanding of how to navigate instances of harassment (sexual misconduct).
  2. Recognize that the Title IX Office is committed to fostering campus cultures of respect free from gender-based discrimination.
  3. Become empowered to safely intervene when problematic behavior is observed.

The Title IX Office is responsible for providing educational training programs to assist members of the University community in understanding discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, and how to address behaviors that violate University policy. More information about the University's Equal Opportunity, Harassment (Sexual Misconduct), and Nondiscrimination Policy can be found here.